Toscani Lucca Holiday House -
Capannori (LU)
55061 Capannori (LU), Via S.Ginese, 70 -S.Ginese di Compito
(Lucca) Tel. 348-69.47.140 E-Mail -
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"Colori Toscani Lucca Holiday House" is the emotion of a view
from hills to Lucca city, the ardent and involving rhythm of
Tuscan Culture, the natural and friendly fascination of an
farmhouse between red geraniums in the country.
The eyes sweep the horizon across the grape pergola and the
sweet-smelling garden to the olive-groves.
“"Colori Toscani” is in the heart of Italian Farm Holidays, just
few kilometres from the sea of Viareggio or art-cities as
Florence, Pisa and Siena.