È un percorso, parte dalla
fantasia ed esplora mondi, spazi, ere, sogni, incubi.
È un percorso, un nuovo
tassello in un viaggio artistico, che non si ripete mai
ma resta sempre fedele a se stesso.
È difficile descrivere il
percorso artistico di maicol e mirco e riuscire a
suonare tutte le corde che riescono a toccare, evocare.
Le loro opere a volte sembrano deliri, eppure siamo in
presenza di una analisi lucida della contemporaneità,
raccontata con tanta follia da permettere a chiunque di
ritrovarcisi dentro. L’opera di maicol e mirco è capace
di raccontare la diversità in un modo talmente estremo
da farci rendere conto che è quella che ogni giorno ci
vergogniamo di mostrare”. (Dario Ciferri)
pure ci sono
tante cose da vedere, l’arte è un fiume che accoglie,
raccoglie sedimenta e spande. Guardate le mostre,
cercate l’arte, visitate gallerie, musei, luoghi
contaminati, senza preconcetti ma anche senza
superficialità. L’importante è non farsi ingannare,
lealtà e infedeltà camminano spesso insieme. Andate…
ma non
lasciateci soli.
Sunday 29th April Marconi Gallery, Design?
Associated Study and Marche Centro d’Arte
present Universo sole exposition by
Maicol and Mirco. The exhibition will open at 6 p.m.
in the rooms of Design?Associated Study in 36 D'Annunzio
St. San Benedetto del Tronto. The event is cured by
Dario Ciferri.
Maicol and Mirco sole
exposition is the fourth appointment of (Traditeci
pure...ma non lasciateci soli) Be unfaithful well...but
don't leave us alone, the series of expositions
organized by Marconi Gallery for 2011/2012 season
to the cooperation with Design? Marconi Gallery arrives
to San Benedetto del Tronto and puts on a new space,
dedicated to contemporary art which joins the historical
one of Cupra Marittima. " Be unfaithful well... but
don't leave us alone!" is the title of the project born
from the fortunate meeting. The idea is to spread on the
regional area the passion for art and design, two worlds
often getting close and enjoying to mix. Marconi Gallery
so goes on with its art promotion outside its
traditional space, trying other spaces besides its
usual ones. Design? Associated Study aims to go over the
limits of an architectural study in order to become
culture promoter and offering so new perspectives to the
ones attending its spaces..
Sharing the same criticism for research about visual
arts, architecture and design, the cooperation starts a
new course of studying and experimentation analyzing
and reworking our reality.
“It's a path, an
installation which goes through different languages with
ease, while keeping a general organic in the whole work.
It's a
path, it starts from fantasy and explore worlds, spaces,
ages, dreams, nightmares.
It's a
path, a new piece in an art journey which never repearts
but always remains true to itself.
It's difficult to describe
maicol and mirco artistic path and succed in exploring
all the aspects they can touch or evoke. Their works
often seem like a delirium, neverthless we face a lucid
analysis of the contemporaneity, told with so much
crazyness to allow anyone to find himself inside them.
and mirco work can tell dissimilarity in such an
extreme way that it allows us to realize that
it is what we are ashamed to show” . (Dario Ciferri)
Be Unfaithful to us well
there are many things to
see, art is a river receiving, gathering, recollecting,
sedimening and spreading. Visits expositions, search for
art, visit galleries, museums, contaminated sites,
without any preconceptions but without any
superficiality too. What's important is not being
mistaken, loyalty and disloyalty often go together.
Go...but don't
leave us alone
scheda tecnica/technical
curatore/curator by
Dario Ciferri
testo critico/art
critic by Dario Ciferri
traduzione di/translation
by Patrizia Isidori
relazioni esterne e
promozione delle attività/ external relationship and
promotion of activities
Marco Biancucci©
riprese video/video
shooting Stefano Abbadini
Marco Croci
progetto grafico/graphic
project ♦Roberto Montani ♦maicol e mirco