Si esibisce regolarmente
con la banda acustica CrossRoads composta da tre
chitarristi e un percussionista. Il gruppo suona in
occasione della Messa di ogni primo venerdμ del mese. Si
esibisce inoltre in eventi e luoghi di riunione della
zona di Hanover.
Patrick Colgan
ha studiato musica al Mount Saint Mary's College di
Emmitsburg in Maryland (ora Mount Saint Mary's
University), dove ha conseguito un diploma in discipline
umanistiche con una specializzazione in Musica. A
seguito di un periodo di studio alla Penn State
University, θ tornato al Mount Saint Mary's College dove
si laureato con lode nel 1980. Negli ultimi quindici
anni θ stato direttore musicale e di coro presso la
Chiesa Annunciation of the B.V.M. di McSherrystown. Ha
iniziato gli studi di pianoforte a sette anni,
continuandoli fino alla laurea. E cantante, suona la
chitarra, il basso elettrico, il sassofono ed il
violoncello. Ha fondato lo studio di registrazione e la
compagnia di produzione musicale Works Audio Productions.
Sin dalletΰ di tredici anni si esibisce insieme a
numerosi gruppi musicali nella area centro meridionale
della Pennsylvania. E cofondatore e responsabile della
Colgan-Hirsh Band che si esibisce in matrimoni, concerti
e numerosi altri eventi. Sta attualmente facendo un
master in Teologia e Ministero Cristiano presso la
Franciscan University di Steubenville in Ohio.
The Sacred Heart Basilica Pilgrimage
was formed for this pilgrimage in celebration of the 225th
Anniversary of the church, the Basilica of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, in Hanover, PA. The choir is comprised
of members from parishes within the Adams Deanery of the
Diocese of Harrisburg and a few from outside the
Deanery. The parishes represented from the Adams Deanery
are Annunciation BVM, (McSherrystown), The Basilica of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Hanover), Immaculation
Conception BVM (New Oxford), St. Aloysius Catholic
Church (Littlestown), St. Joseph Catholic Church
(Hanover). Other churches represented are St. John
Lutheran Church (Boiling Springs), St. Rita Catholic
Church (Blue Ridge Summit), Zwingli UCC (East Berlin).
The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was built in
1787. This church replaced the original log church built
in 1741 referred to as Conewago Chapel. It was named a
Minor Basilica in 1962 by Pope John XXIII.
Jody Richter
is the Director of Music at the Basilica of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus in Hanover. She has been playing the
organ at the Basilica since 1975. She has served as
director of the adult choir since 2000 and is also
director of the Childrens Choir, which was formed in
2007. She is a member of the National Association of
Pastoral Musicians. She is a vocalist and plays the
piano, organ, and guitar. She currently plays with the
band, CrossRoads, which is an acoustic band comprised of
3 guitar players and a percussionist. The group plays at
First Friday Masses at the Basilica and at events and
clubs in the Hanover area.
Patrick Colgan
studied music at Mount
Saint Mary's College in Emmitsburg, Maryland (now Mount
Saint Mary's University), where he earned a Bachelor of
Fine Arts degree with Concentration in Music. After
transferring to Penn State University, he returned to
Mount St. Mary's and graduated magna cum laude in 1980.
For the past fifteen years, he has been music and choir
director at Annunciation of the B.V.M. Church in
McSherrystown. He began studying the piano at age seven,
continuing lessons through college graduation. He is a
vocalist, and plays guitar, bass, saxophone, and cello.
He founded Sound Works Audio Productions, a recording
studio and music production company. Since the age of
thirteen, he has been performing throughout the south
central Pennsylvania area with various musical groups.
He is co-founder and leader of The Colgan-Hirsh Band
which performs for weddings, formals, concerts, and many
other events. He is currently working on a master's
degree in Theology and Christian Ministry through
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.
Programma (Sabato 23
Giugno 2012)
Preludio: tre
Johannes Matthias Michel
Erhalt uns, Herr
Wunderbarer Kφnig
In dir ist Freude
organista: Richard Frey
.M. Joncas
Jesu, Salus In Te Sperantium
...W. Schultes, arr.
One Thing I Ask Of The Lord
..C. McCartha
Give Me
M. Hogan
Soprano: Lara Zinn
Sheep May Safely Graze
J. S. Bach, arr.
K. Davis
Omnes Fines Terrae
...M. Zielenski, ed. W. Bausano
T Paris, arr. L. Larson
God Who
Made The World
J. P. Williams, J. Martin
Ave Maria
.J. Arcadelt, arr.
N. Montani
Rorando Coeli
Vodnansky, ed. L. Kaptein
Contralto: Lynn Bixler,
Soprano: Deb Walton, Tenore: Steven Yealy,
Basso: Dave Zinn
As The
M. Nystrom, arr. D. Wagner
Untitled Hymn
C. Rice, arr.
R. Sterling
Hosanna Filio
...T. L De Victoria, ed.
Tenore: Steven Yealy
...J. Martin
Soprano: Deb Walton,
Basso: Dave Zinn
Ed Harris
Verum Corpus
W. A. Mozart
Forth Into The World In Peace
...P. Sjolund
Flautista: Kayton Wilson
Direttore Artistico:
Mons. Pablo Colino
Associazione Internazionale Amici
della Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
Tel: 0039 - 06 68805816; email:;
Tecnico: Courtial International
Via Paolo VI, 29 - 00193
Roma Italia
tel. 0039 06
6889951; fax. 0039 06 68308568;