Il Cor Jesu Academy Concert Choir è
un ensemble di 80 voci femminili composto da studentesse della scuola
superiore. L’ensemble ha ottenuto il maggior punteggio al Missouri State
High School Activities Association Festival ed è stato insignito di
numerosi premi nei maggiori festivals degli Stati Uniti. Il Concert
Choir si esibisce regolarmente per tutta l’area del St. Louis ed è
onorato di poter cantare in Italia.
Pottinger is the
music director at Cor Jesu Academy in St. Louis where her students have
been accepted into the Missouri All-State Choir and the regional St.
Louis Metro District #8 High School Honor Choir. She earned a Bachelor
of Science degree in Education with certification to teach vocal music
grades K-12 from Southwest Missouri State University, a Master’s degree
in Music Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and has
also studied conducting at the Institute for Choral Teacher Education.
Her teaching experience includes elementary and middle school and high
school music. She lives in St. Louis with her husband, Jeff who is also
a music educator. They have three children, Julia (15) –who is singing
with this ensemble!, Samuel (12) and Joseph (7).
Carol Bauer
is the Coordinator of Faith Formation at Cor Jesu Academy in St. Louis.
She earned a Master’s degree in Piano Performance from the University of
Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, USA. She taught grade school and high
school vocal and choral music for many years and has taught piano
privately and accompanied numerous church, school and community
The Cor Jesu
Academy Concert Choir
is an 80 voice women’s ensemble which includes students from the
10th-12th grades. This ensemble has consistently earned Superior ratings
at the Missouri State High School Activities Association Festival and
has earned many awards in various festivals in the United States. This
ensemble in non –audition and rehearses during the school day. The
Concert Choir performs regularly throughout the St. Louis area and is
very excited to be singing in the beautiful country of Italy!
Programma – (Mercoledì 13 Giugno 2012)
Salmo 100………………………………………………Rene Clausen
Canticle to the
Spirit……………………………………Eleanor Daley
Maria…………………………………………………Franz Biebl
Home…………………………………………………..David Brunner
I See the Heaven’s
Glories Shine……………….. …..Andrea Ramsey
O Cor Jesu……………………………………………………anonimo
Lullaby da “Songs for a
New World” ……….Jason Robert Browning
Never, Never
Land…………………………Jule Styne, arr. Mac Huff
Prayer………………………….arr. Mary e Katherine Schaefer
Living in A Holy
City……………………………….Stephen Hatfield
Song of
Piece………………………………………….…Johnnie Carl
Bless the Broken
Road…………………………….arr. Mark Brymer
God Be in My
Head………………………………….Andrea Ramsey
Together…………………………………………..Jim Papoulis
The Georgetown
Visitation Preparatory School Choir
Washington, DC - Stati Uniti
David Nastal
Basilica di S. Ignazio
Piazza S. Ignazio, Roma
Giovedì 14
Giugno 2012 - ore 21:00/Thursday June 14th , 2012 –
Il Georgetown Visitation Preparatory
School Choir è un gruppo composto da 98 ragazze la cui età varia fra
i 14 e I 18 anni. Le audizioni non sono richieste per entrare a far
parte del coro, ma interesse e dedizione alla musica sono obbligatori.
Negli anni passati il coro si è esibito in numerosi eventi negli Stati
Uniti ed ha viaggiato in Italia cantando al Vaticano e in altri luoghi
sacri. Sotto la direzione di David Nastal, il coro ha ricevuto numerosi
premi e riconoscimenti per le sue notevoli esibizioni canore. Il coro
possiede un vasto repertorio musicale che spazia dalla musica classica
agli autori di inni popolari. La Georgetown Visitation Preparatory
School, conosciuta per la sua attenzione alla crescita spirituale della
persona, per le sfide accademiche, per l’attenzione alle discipline
sportive ed umanistiche, è il punto di riferimento per l’educazione
femminile sin dal 1799.
David Nastal
è particolarmente rinomato da quattro decadi nel campo musicale e della
educazione teatrale avendo ideato e creato programme esemplari ed
importanti in scuole e chiese. Durante i suoi 10 anni presso la
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, ha ricreato un programma
specifico per più di 210 studenti che hanno preso parte in eventi
corali, orchestrali e teatrali. Ha viaggiato coi due gruppi corali sia
negli Stati Uniti che all’estero. Il suo operato con cori di voci
bianche è stato fortemente apprezzato dalla Chiesa Roma Cattolica in
America. Ha scritto articoli sui cori di voci bianche in newsletters e
riviste. Il suo libro “Children’s Choir Basics” è diventato un’
utilissimo strumento pedagogico di lavoro per direttori di cori di voci
bianche nelle chiese cattoliche. E’ stato direttore ospite in occasione
di festivals corali di voci bianche della costa est degli Stati Uniti.
Ha anche lavorato a lungo nel campo della liturgia e in particular per
il movimento del rinnovamento liturgico della Chiesa Cattolica Romana.
W. Dudley Oakes
è organista e direttore di coro al St. Joseph Catholic Church on Capital
Hill. Dal 2001 Oakes ha insegnato Teoria ed Organo presso la Facoltà di
Musica di Shenandoah University di Winchester, Virginia. La sua
associazione è membro aggregato della George Washington University e
dell’American University. Oakes ha insegnato come professore associato
al Virginia Wesleyan College ed è stato direttore artistico del Virginia
Wesleyan Center di Musica Sacra. È stato Presidente del Dipartimento di
Musica del Thiel College di Greenville, Pennsylvania, ed organista e
maestro di coro presso la Shadyside Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. Fra le sue esperienze lavorative si possono annoverare
numerose collaborazioni in qualità di concertista e direttore con il
Washington Bach Consort, con la Washington National Cathedral, con la
St. Thomas Church di New York. Nel 2007 ha eseguito numerosi concerti
negli Stati Uniti ed in Canada. Grazie alle sue partecipazioni
televisive e radiofoniche negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia,
Inghilterra, Francia e Germania ha ottenuto prestigiosi elogi dalla
critica per il suo virtuosismo e per la sua brillantezza artistica e
tecnica, per la sua capacità di interpretare la musica così come per la
sua vena artistica.
The Georgetown
Visitation Preparatory School Choir
is composed of a group of 98 young women aged 14 to 18. Auditions are
not required for membership in the choir, but an interest in and
dedication to music is mandatory. Over the past years, the group has
competed and sung at various venues in the United States, and has toured
Italy, singing at the Vatican and other sacred sites. Under the
direction of David Nastal, the choir has received numerous awards and
recognition for its outstanding performances. The choir has a broad
musical repertoire that ranges from the classics to popular show tunes.
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, known for its faith-centered
nurturing spirit, challenging academics, and comprehensive co-curricular
programs in athletics and art, has been educating women of faith, vision
and purpose since 1799.
David Nastal
is distinguished from others in the field of music performance and
theatre education by four decades of recorded success of building
exemplary programs in schools and church music. During his 10 years at
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School he rebuilt a performing arts
program for over 210 students who participated in choral, orchestral and
theatre events. He took the two choral organizations on national and
international tours. His work with children’s choirs has been respected
throughout the Roman Catholic Church in America. He wrote articles on
this subject in newsletters and journals. His book Children’s Choir
Basics has become a standard pedagogical tool for children’s choir
directors in Catholic churches. He has been guest conductor for regional
children’s choir festival on the Eastern United Stated. He has also
worked extensively in the area of liturgy and the liturgical renewal
movement of the Roman Catholic Church.
W. Dudley
Oakes is
organist and choirmaster at St. Joseph Catholic Church on Capital Hill.
Oakes is also on the music faculty of Shenandoah University in
Winchester, Virginia where he has taught theory and organ since 2001.
Mr. Oakes has enjoyed
his association as adjunct faculty member at George Washington
University and American University in the DC area. At Virginia Wesleyan
Oakes was associate professor of music and served as artistic director
of the Virginia Wesleyan Center for Sacred Music. Oakes was on faculty
at Thiel College in Greenville, PA. where he served as chairperson of
the music department. At that time, Dr. Oakes also served as interim
Organist and Choirmaster at Shadyside Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh,
An active recitalist
and conductor, recent performing activities have included a
collaboration with The Washington Bach Consort, solo recitals at
Washington National Cathedral and St. Thomas Church, New York City.
Recital appearances, recordings, and broadcasts in the United States,
Canada, Australia, England, France and Germany have repeatedly brought
him critical acclaim for his “virtuosity, technical brilliance, musical
interpretation and artistry”.
Programma – (Giovedì 14 Giugno 2012)
Jubilate Deo……………………………...………………….Jacques
Laudate Pueri Dominum……………………………………...Michael
Ave Maria …………………..Canto Gregoriano
tradizionale dal Liber Uralis
Ave Maria……………………………………………………..Simon
Ave Maria……………………………………………..………Giulio
Maria………………………………………………...………Guy Forbes
Wir eilen mit schwachen
(BWV 78)…………………..Johan Sebastian Bach
Jesu, dir sei Dank (BWV
142)……………………… ...Johan Sebastian Bach
Soprano: Karen Smith
Pie Jesu, dal
“Requiem”.……………………………..………...Gabriel Fauré
Soprano: Mary Elizabeth Schubert
Miserere Mei…………………………………………………...Antonio
Gloria (RV 589)……………………………………..………Antonio
Laudamus Te
Domine Deus, Soprano: Sophia Labas
Dominus Deus
Agnus Dei, Alto: Madeline Cuddihy
Set Me As a
Seal……………………………………………….René Clausen
Ubi Caritas……………………………………………………...….Ola
Kyrie, dalla “Missa Brevis”.………………………………..Stephen
Direttore Artistico:
Mons. Pablo Colino
Associazione Internazionale Amici della Fondazione Pro
Musica e Arte Sacra
Tel: 0039 - 06
68805816; email:;
Organizzatore Tecnico:
Courtial International s.r.l.
Via Paolo VI, 29 - 00193 Roma – Italia
tel. 0039 – 06 6889951; fax. 0039 –
06 68308568;