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Anno 2014



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Sagre Dicembre 2014


Associazione Internazionale Amici della Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra


Fondatore e Presidente Sen. h.c. Dr. Hans-Albert Courtial




The Grand Rapids Catholic Central

High School Choir


Grand Rapids, Michigan – STATI UNITI


Direttore: Dennis Rybicki

Organista: Todd Wilkie


Basilica di S. Ignazio di Loyola

Piazza S. Ignazio, Roma

Domenica 29 Giugno 2014 – Ore 21.00




Il Catholic Central Choral Department θ formato da quattro cori (Freshmen Choir, Concert Choir, Women’s Chorale and Capella Choir), i quali si incontrano giornalmente per provare sotto la direzione del Maestro Dennis Rybicki.



Il loro repertorio comprende una vasta varietΰ di stili musicali che spaziano dalla musica sia sacra a quella secolare. I cori sono stati premiati con il massimo punteggio in concorsi e rassegne regionali e nazionali ed hanno altresμ effettuato numerosi tours in Germania nel 1998, in Italia nel 2002, 2006 e 2014, in Irlanda nel 2003 e nel 2009, New York City nel 2004, 2008 e 2012 ed in Polonia nel 2005. In particolare, in Italia i cori hanno avuto il privilegio di cantare per Papa Giovanni Paolo II e per Papa Benedetto XVI.


Dennis Rybicki ha cominciato la sua carriera di insegnante presso la Diocesi di Grand Rapids nell’autunno del 1990. Nel 1993 si θ diplomato presso l’Aquinas College in Educazione Musicale ed in Musica Liturgica. Nel 1995 si θ iscritto alla Facoltΰ del Catholic Central, conseguendo nello stesso anno un Master in Educazione Musicale del Calvin College. Nel 1997 θ entrato a far parte dello staff dell’Aquinas College in qualitΰ di docente di musica. Oltre a ciς, Dennis Rybicki θ Direttore Diocesano di Musica e arpista professionista. Attualmente sta svolgendo il Dottorato in Musica Sacra presso la Graduate Theological Foundation.

Todd Wilkie ha conseguito il Diploma presso l’Aquinas College di Grand Rapids, Michigan. Da allora θ iniziata la sua proficua carriera musicale di accompagnatore e musicista. In qualitΰ di pianista ha collaborato con numerose scuole ed organizzazioni fra cui Women’s City Club, Civic Theatre, Circle Theatre, Grand Valley State University's Bach-Around-the-Clock, Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts, Girls Choral Academy, West Catholic, Catholic Central, ed East Grand Rapids High Schools. Todd Wilkie ha inoltre partecipato ad una Master Class presso il Calvin College e diretta da Angela Hewitt, pianista di fama mondiale. Infine, Todd Wilkie θ Direttore di Musica della Chiesa di St. Stephen situata presso East Grand Rapids.


The Catholic Central Choral Department, under the direction of Dennis Rybicki, consists of four choirs (Freshmen Choir, Concert Choir, Women’s Chorale and Capella Choir) which meet daily for rehearsal. Combining a variety of styles, both sacred and secular, the 200+ singers have received superior ratings at District and State choral festivals. The Choirs have traveled extensively including tours in Germany in 1998, Italy in 2002, 2006 and 2014, Ireland in 2003 and 2009, New York City in 2004, 2008 and 2012 and Poland in 2005. In Italy, the choirs had the privilege of singing for His Holiness, Pope John Paul II and for Pope Benedict XVI.


Dennis Rybicki began his teaching career for the Diocese of Grand Rapids in the fall of 1990. In 1993, he graduated from Aquinas College with a degree in Music Education and Liturgical Music. Dennis joined the faculty of Catholic Central in 1995, the same year he earned his Masters of Music Education from Calvin College. In 1997, he joined the staff at Aquinas College as Pastoral musician. As well as a Catholic school teacher, Dennis serves as the Diocesan Director of Music, a certified spiritual director and professional harpist. He is currently pursuing his Doctorate of Sacred Music through the Graduate Theological Foundation.


Since graduating from Aquinas College (Grand Rapids, MI) with a piano performance degree, Todd Wilkie has been an active accompanist and performer throughout Grand Rapids, MI.  He has been involved as a pianist with numerous schools and organizations including the Women's City Club, Civic Theatre, Circle Theatre, Grand Valley State University's Bach-Around-the-Clock, Grand Rapids Festival of the Arts, Girls Choral Academy, West Catholic, Catholic Central, and East Grand Rapids High Schools as well as accompanying numerous students at Aquinas College.  He also participated in a Master Class conducted by world-renowned pianist, Angela Hewitt, hosted by Calvin College.  Todd Wilkie is the director of music at St. Stephen Church in East Grand Rapids.




Cantate Domino…………………….……...Giuseppe Pitoni  (1657-1743)

Alleluia Round………………………………William Boyce (1710-1779)

Ave Maria……………………………….……………...Canto Gregoriano

Musica: Daniel Kantor (1960)

Ave Maria……………...…………..………Jacques Arcadelt (1507-1568)

Sicut Cervus…………...…………….Giovanni da Palestrina (1525-1594)

Super flumina Babylonis…………….Giovanni da Palestrina (1525-1594)

Memorare……………………….…………..……………….. Paul French

Crucifixus (from the Mass in B Minor)……………J.S. Bach (1685-1750)

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross……………….Gilbert Martin (1941)

Alleluia……...……………………………Randal Thompson (1899-1984)

Canon in D Major……………..………....Johann Pachelbel  (1653-1706)

Arr. Noel Goemanne

I Have Been Anointed…………………………………..Steven C. Warner

The Lord Bless You and Keep You………..…………...John Rutter (1945)



Direttore Artistico: Mons. Pablo Colino


Patrocinio: Associazione Internazionale Amici della Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra

Tel: 0039 - 06 68805816; email:;


Organizzatore Tecnico: Courtial International s.r.l.

Via Paolo VI, 29 - 00193 Roma – Italia

tel. 0039 – 06 6889951; fax. 0039 – 06 68308568;



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