Nawab Khan &
The Mantra Band
Jodhpur - Rajasthan
Oratorio del Caravita
Via del Caravita 7 a, Roma
Domenica 06 Luglio
2014 - Ore 21.00
Nawab Khan
is a musician with no boundaries attached for creativity. Hailing from a
family of musicians who performed in the royal courts of the Maharajas
of Rajasthan, Nawab Khan boasts of music in his blood. The immense
contribution of the Khan Family to the music world can be witnessed in
Nawab Khan, being the 8th Generation in the world of Surs and Taals. He
cherishes the invaluable treasure of traditional classical music that
his ancestors have helped him to imbibe and has his eyes set on the
globe! Carrying a Legacy of classical music, Nawab Khan chose to take a
path less trodden. To start with he chose
Santoor as his
instrument of love. Being from a family where generations together chose
and played Sarangi instrument, Nawab chose Santoor to harness and to
express his creativity. |
Santoor is an ancient string musical
instrument with 100 strings attached, native to Jammu and Kashmir. It is
played with a pair of light wooden mallets or hammers with both hands.
The Santoor is a very delicate instrument and is very sensitive to light
strokes and glides. The music flowing from Santoor is equally beautiful
to the snow clad mountains and beautiful shikaras on the Dal Lake of
Kashmir. Nawab started playing music at the age of
6 and he discovered
his love, interest and passion for Santoor as his main leading
instrument. His Santoor has been mesmerizing listeners across the globe
since 1994. He has performed with illustrious artists like
Ustad Ghulam Mustafa khan, Ustad
Dastgeer Khan, Ustad Sultan Khan, Ustad Patti Khan, Ustad Khadim Hussain,
Niyaz Ahmed Khan, Aliyaz Khan, Pandit Bhawani Shanker, Ustad Sharif
Ghuzal , Philip Jacob, Villi Pal, Carlos Gettezto, Goerge Scott.
Nawab also boasts of an array of listeners like
Prince Charles, Siya Muslim Spiritual
leader, His Highness Aga Khan, Sting, Michnel Douglas, Madonna, Kenyan
President Kibaki, Liz Hurley's, Italian businessman Loro Piana.
Germany, France, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Kenya are some
of the countries across India’s shores where he has performed and earned
his music lovers. Not just these, his works include composing music in
various Documentary and Films. Nawab is on a journey of setting up the
Indian classical music way beyond than just entertainment.
Spirituality and healing through music
are the two major aspects of Indian classical music that are being
explored by him. Apart from his prior education of Bachelors in Music,
he has also learned Music
Therapy from Shri Govind Kalla and Arvind Pareekji. He
is devoted is promotion of Indian classical music and offers his healing
music compositions through their organization
Ninaad Culture Centre.
Nawab does not only perform but also support and organize many
events for the upliftment of Music, Art and Culture through their Ninaad
Organisation. It is with great pleasure that The International
Association Friends of The Foundation of Sacred Music and Art presents
tonight for the first time in Italy Nawab Khan together with The
Mantra Band, a meditation Band which he formed together with his
family and relatives.
Nawab Khan
è un artista di fama mondiale, proveniente da un’antica famiglia di
musicisti che si esibiva presso la corte reale del Maharajas del
Rajasthan. Testimone dell’immenso contributo che la sua famiglia ha
apportato al mondo della musica, Nawab Khan ha saputo conservare
l’inestimabile tesoro della tradizione musicale classica trasmessagli
dai suoi antenati facendolo conoscere a tutto il mondo. Mentre nella
tradizione musicale di famiglia lo strumento prediletto era il Sarangi,
Nawab Khan sceglie di suonare dall’età di sei anni il Santoor in quanto
strumento più adatto a trasmettere il suo messaggio d’amore e ad
esprimere la sua creatività. Il Santoor è un antico strumento musicale
dotato di 100 corde, tipico dello Stato del Jammu e Kashmir.
Viene suonato con due bacchette tenute dal
musicista con entrambi le mani. Il Santoor è uno strumento molto delicato e
sensibile la cui melodia fa pensare alle montagne innevate ed alle shikaras, le
imbarcazioni di legno tipiche dei laghi del Kashmir. Dal 1994 Nawab Khan incanta
le platee internazionali esibendosi insieme ad artisti illustri quali
Ustad Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Ustad Dastgeer
Khan, Ustad Sultan Khan, Ustad Patti Khan, Ustad Khadim Hussain, Niyaz Ahmed
Khan, Aliyaz Khan, Pandit Bhawani Shanker, Ustad Sharif Ghuzal, Philip Jacob,
Villi Pal, Carlos Gettezto, Goerge Scott. La musica di Nawab
Khan è profondamente apprezzata e fra i suoi estimatori annoveriamo il
Principe Carlo, il
leader spirituale Siya Muslim, Sua Altezza Aga Khan, Sting, Micheal Douglas,
Madonna, il Presidente del Kenya Kibaki, Liz Hurley, l’imprenditore italiano
Loro Piana. Nawab Khan si è esibito inoltre in Germania, Francia, Spagna,
Olanda, Belgio, Svizzera e Kenya e le sue musiche sono state impiegate per vari
documentari e film.
Oltre ad aver
conseguito un Diploma in Musica, Nawab Khan si è specializzato in Terapia
Musicale studiando con i grandi maestri Shri Govind Kalla e Arvind Pareekji.
Attraverso l’Organizzazione Ninaad Culture Centre, Nawab Khan persegue lo scopo
di promuovere la musica classica indiana evidenziandone i suoi aspetti curativi
e spirituali.
Questa sera l’Associazione Internazionale Amici della Fondazione Pro Musica e
Arte Sacra è onorata di ospitare per la prima volta in Italia il Maestro Nawab
Khan e di far conoscere la sua musica e la sua arte al pubblico italiano. Nawab
Khan si esibirà con l’Ensemble The Mantra Band,
fondato da lui stesso e composto da membri della sua famiglia.
Programma: Musica Classica Indiana e Musiche
tradizionali Sufi
Direttore Artistico:
Mons. Pablo Colino
Associazione Internazionale Amici della Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
Tel: 0039 - 06 68805816;
Organizzatore Tecnico:
Courtial International s.r.l.
Via Paolo VI, 29 - 00193 Roma – Italia
tel. 0039 – 06 6889951; fax. 0039 – 06
68308568; email.info@courtial-international.it